Saturday 8th March
Three Pools is located in Blanchisseuse.
This hike boasts three picturesque pools that is approximately 30-40 mins walk though the lush green forest.
Rated 3/10 Easy. Life Jackets are provided for everyone 😊
🌱Cost: $100 per person.
🌱Parking $30/car
🌱Southpark, Mt Hope 7am
🌱WhatsApp 1868-7592410
🌱Hike + Transport : $220
All sales are final. No refunds, credits or deferrals.
You can also make an online bank transfer but you must WhatsApp 1868 7592410 a screen shot of the payment, name and number of persons. Be sure to check in with us prior to payment to ensure we have space to avoid problems.
First citizens bank: Savings account
Account Name: Nature Nerds TT
Account Number: 2811949
Nature Nerds TT is an outdoor adventure group located in Trinidad & Tobago.
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